Adore You, hauntingly beautiful from the start, this song carries you through a journey. It sounds exactly as if it should be playing on a record player on the top of a hill overlooking a stormy sea, as it is in the music video after Harry shares a plate of tacos with his fish friend.
The radar-like beeping at the beginning of the track makes for an eerie feel. Radar is used for finding direction or sensing another presence, in the case of the song I think it hints directly at that. It shows how lost Harry was before he met this other person, or before he embraced and recognized this other part of himself that he may have been trying to suppress. And by accepting that he is different and that he has this other side to him he is able to be free and grow as a person, in turn allowing him to help others who may face similar struggles find comfortability.
Harry says during tour to be exactly who you always have wanted to be while you are in the room with him, and in my interpretation not only is this song about loving someone unconditionally, but its also about loving yourself unconditionally. It is a message of pure love and allowing one another to grow and change as they need and accepting them for who they are. Adore you is endearing and makes any listener feel a little less alone as Harry sings the words, “just let me adore you, like its the only thing I’ll ever do.”
This song expresses the idea of unconditional love. Loving someone even if they can’t love you in the same way, and loving yourself while loving another. It shows how being vulnerable and accepting others when they may not be at their best can help you grow.
Liv’s take-
Starting with the persistent beep of a radar, we have yet another one of Fine Line’s radio hits, when you hear the opening you can’t help but start the famous “adore you shimmy” and hum along to the sweet melody. An endearing love song that leaves you feeling warm inside while only slightly jealous and lonely, Adore You shows us how being vulnerable with those you love, even if they cannot love you the same way, gifting away your heart without needing one in return, is always better than living a world without love.
Love can completely consume you and Adore You perfectly encapsulates that feeling. Falling in love can be overwhelming, as you lose yourself in the person and would be willing to do anything for them. But while it can be a bit frightening, it can also be such a wonderful feeling to be so infatuated with them that all you ever want to do is adore them. Constantly “getting lost inside their eyes” and wanting nothing more than to “walk in their rainbow paradise”. Falling in love so deeply, you just want to be allowed to love the other person, without needing reciprocation.
Adore You shows us a more positive side of the ever-heartbreaking unrequited love, showing us that even having the ability to love someone is a gift that should be adored. That when we find that person, we should never let them go, and never stop showing them how much they mean to us. Even if that means walking through fire for them.